A Letter from ELi’s Board President
Dear ELi Family,
As an organization, ELi, like many others, is faced with new opportunities on an almost daily basis. In the midst of a global pandemic, challenges and opportunity have become the norm for most of us. Amidst this, ELi’s internal focus has been a consistently strong emphasis on remaining transparent and operating with the utmost integrity.
On Mar. 22, a member of our ELi Family – Managing Editor and Acting Executive Director/Publisher, Dr. Emily Joan Elliott – informed the ELi Board of Directors that she had accepted a new position and would resign her ELi position(s) effective May 6, 2022. Emily has served as Managing Editor since October of 2020 and assumed the role of Acting Executive Director/Publisher on February 1, 2022. A search for a new ED/Publisher with journalism and nonprofit leadership experience is underway. Interested parties should submit inquiries here.
ELi’s Board of Directors remains committed to the organization’s high standard of delivering stellar news coverage and providing the vital information that our readers expect of us. ELi still features an experienced staff of talented reporters, skilled producers, and accomplished administrators. While restructuring our operation, we greatly appreciate your patience and trust while asking for your grace as we shape the organization and continue to deliver the news. In case you would like more information about ELi’s organization, please click here.
On a more personal note, we are sad to see Emily leave us, thank her for her service, and extend our best wishes in her new endeavor. We are also grateful to our Founder, Dr. Alice Dreger, who is still on sabbatical but has laid the groundwork and built an incredible organization designed to serve the community with passion and excellence. Having lived in East Lansing for more than 40 years, I am proud to serve in a community project such as ELi, which is dedicated to providing free, nonpartisan news, and hope that you continue to support this important work of the people.
Kind regards,
Samuel J. Hosey, Jr., President of ELi’s Board of Directors