Author: Alice Dreger

Chris Root reports on Government for ELi with special focuses on finances, development, and elections. She also does a little gardening reporting. Click here to read more about our staff.
After Library Director Calls Police on Wrongly-Accused Black Teen, Outrage Expressed to Board
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After Library Director Calls Police on Wrongly-Accused Black Teen, Outrage Expressed to Board

A long-time East Lansing resident says her son was racially profiled by the library director, and she wants the director removed from her position. What comes next is not clear.

ELI’s Voters’ Guide to the Public Library Millage (Updated)

ELI’s Voters’ Guide to the Public Library Millage (Updated)

Renewal of the East Lansing Public Library Millage will appear on the November 8 ballot.

Candidate Financial Reports Show Big Differences in Raising, Spending Money

Candidate Financial Reports Show Big Differences in Raising, Spending Money

ELi looked through 118 pages of financial reports from candidates for the East Lansing City Council so you don’t have to. What do they reveal?

UPDATE: Rental and Mortgage Assistance Now Available for Income-Eligible East Lansing Residents

UPDATE: Rental and Mortgage Assistance Now Available for Income-Eligible East Lansing Residents

UPDATE: Rental and mortgage assistance is now available on a first-come, first-serve basis for East Lansing residents whose income is at or below the area median income. ELi’s Chris Root explains the programs.

MSUFCU Submits Plans for Downtown Office Tower – Including One Huge Brick Wall

MSUFCU Submits Plans for Downtown Office Tower – Including One Huge Brick Wall

ELi’s Alice Dreger and Chris Root tell you what stands out in the submitted plans and what comes next in the review process.

City Reduces Hours of 97 Employees to Cut Costs

City Reduces Hours of 97 Employees to Cut Costs

During June and July, 97 full- and part-time City of East Lansing employees are working reduced hours, but with little impact on their income.

ELPD Vehicle Smashed in Large and Angry Protest Over Police Brutality

ELPD Vehicle Smashed in Large and Angry Protest Over Police Brutality

About a thousand people came to protest at East Lansing Police headquarters today as part of nationwide protests against racist police brutality. In a tense stand-off, a police vehicle’s windows were smashed.

Federal Government Provides City of East Lansing $289K in Emergency Funds

Federal Government Provides City of East Lansing $289K in Emergency Funds

Emergency federal legislation means the City of East Lansing will soon receive almost $300K in funding. What can it be used for?

Governor Moves From Recommendation to Stay-at-Home Order

Governor Moves From Recommendation to Stay-at-Home Order

Doubling of state’s coronavirus cases prompts Whitmer to take decisive action. ELi’s Chris Root provides an update.

ELi Reports on the East Lansing Police Department (ELPD)

ELi Reports on the East Lansing Police Department (ELPD)

This page is designed to help readers find ELi reporting on various issues related to policing in East Lansing, including philosophy and policies of ELPD administrators, complaints made against officers since 2016, discussions of creating a civilian police oversight commission, and more.