Author: Mara Logan

Mara Logan is a 2023 graduate of the University of Michigan with a B.A. in Gender and Health and Communication and Media. She recently moved back to East Lansing, her hometown, after spending the 2023 summer working in Glacier National Park. She is a graduate of East Lansing High School where she edited and wrote for the student newspaper, The Portrait.
DDA Approves Setting Aside Funds for a Director

DDA Approves Setting Aside Funds for a Director

The decision to allot $250,000 to hire a director in 2025 followed two strategic planning sessions. Details for the position still need to be ironed out.

Safe Routes to School Grant Proposal Impacts Parks

Safe Routes to School Grant Proposal Impacts Parks

Parks & Rec Commission heard a report from SRTS, conclusions of a Farmers Market survey and bid farewell to Chuck Overbey.

EL Educational Foundation Awards $71,000 in Grants

EL Educational Foundation Awards $71,000 in Grants

Dec. 11 school board meeting also included reports from the superintendent and Glencairn Elementary staff.

MSU Students Pitch Proposals for Evergreen Property

MSU Students Pitch Proposals for Evergreen Property

DDA members and city officials listened to development presentations by urban planning students for the downtown site.

ELPS Holds ‘Giving Opportunity’ for Holiday Season

ELPS Holds ‘Giving Opportunity’ for Holiday Season

The Monday school board meeting included reports on the district, high school and Whitehills Elementary School.

ELPD Officer Tells DDA of Downtown Public Safety Concerns

ELPD Officer Tells DDA of Downtown Public Safety Concerns

Officer Katey Harrison identified parking garages as hotspots for nighttime activity as well as the Fieldhouse and Harper’s.

Ingham Community Health Center to Open in ELHS

Ingham Community Health Center to Open in ELHS

The regular meeting of the school board also included a report on plans of the local chapter of MSAN.

Sadness, Fear, Anger Linger After Oct. 7 Attack and Ongoing Violence

Sadness, Fear, Anger Linger After Oct. 7 Attack and Ongoing Violence

Local faith leaders have come together to show their “support and love for local Jewish and Muslim communities.”

Parks & Rec Advisory Commission Hears Updates on Local Projects

Parks & Rec Advisory Commission Hears Updates on Local Projects

Commissioners heard a presentations on lyme disease interventions, the aquatic center and city park upgrades.

Commission on the Environment Considers Amendment for Expansion of Granger Waste Services Clinton County Landfill

Commission on the Environment Considers Amendment for Expansion of Granger Waste Services Clinton County Landfill

Commissioners request clarification on what impact this will have on EL residents and will advise City Council as they decide whether or not to support the proposal.