“First Amendment Audit” of ELPD Draws Widespread Attention Online
A “First Amendment Auditor” films police officers and other government employees to audit their reaction to minor disturbances.
A “First Amendment Auditor” films police officers and other government employees to audit their reaction to minor disturbances.
The victim of the scheme received a call from an individual posing as her distressed 16-year-old granddaughter.
Meridian Township police are investigating the graffiti.
New ELPD Interim Chief Jen Brown has served as a deputy chief for the department since December 2023.
The Advance Peace program will work directly with East Lansing residents most at risk of being involved in gun violence.
A change in procedure has ELPD requesting commissioners watch footage at set times with officers or the city attorney present.
As East Lansing prepares a search for its new police chief, ELi has learned that there will be two internal candidates in Deputy Chief Jennifer Brown and Interim Chief Chad Pride.
In April, the city announced Johnson was being investigated after an internal complaint was filed against him.
The Lansing Bike Party hopes to educate area bicyclists and motorists on how to safely share the road.
Few details are known at this time, but City Manager Robert Belleman has confirmed the ELPD chief is on leave.
Members of the East Lansing Independent Police Oversight Commission shared concerns about proposed amendments to the ordinance that established the commission.
The incident occurred early Sunday morning during celebrations downtown, two days before Halloween. ELPD reminds community members to take safety precautions.
The commission also discussed the “sustained” allegations against an ELPD officer for repeatedly calling a woman after getting her phone number while on duty.
Public participants held a “dialogue” as they sought solutions and suggestions for a plan to guide the ELPD.
“More tools in our toolkit” are helping to reduce the strain on the healthcare system and the health of people in the community.
The Congregation Shaarey Zedek community can’t help but feel fear and uncertainty as antisemitic sentiments increase nationwide.
Two new commissioners and ELPD Lt. Adam Park made their first appearances at the police oversight commission meeting.
Taylor Knickerbocker said she tries to interact with the community as much as she can and typically ends up in a police car to do outreach each day.
Funding from MSU and the state is up while personnel services are down in the projected fire department budget. Learn more from ELi.
Officers Cuong Dang-Le and Brennan Surman have now joined the ranks of the East Lansing Police Department. Get the story and photos from ELi.
The goals and objectives of the department for the coming year include working with a number of community groups and serving EL’s diverse population.
Public and commissioners voiced differing opinions on the ELIPOC’s relationship with the ELPD.
Police use of force policy continues to be a topic of discussion; commission is looking to fill three openings.
In a 4-0 vote, City Council approved a resolution to accept the funds.
The crash at the intersection of Lake Lansing Road and Coolidge Road left two dead and six hospitalized.
People experiencing behavioral health or mental health crises make up a “significant portion” of police use of force incidents in East Lansing.
Reached for comment, Norm Shinkle, co-chair of the Ingham County Republican Party, told ELi what’s happening in Michigan is “unbelievable.”
When should law enforcement decide not to respond to a 911 call?
Interim director of human resources also gives notice joining a wave of people leaving city jobs.
Students, MSU librarian share their stories and their emotions with ELi.
Tomorrow, a special debriefing will help East Lansing’s first responders try together to make some sense of what happened Monday night.
Greater Lansing is coming together to help students, staff and residents navigate the unfathomable.
A message from ELi’s publisher.
Randy Talifarro’s first formal statement as East Lansing’s interim city manager was about the killings on MSU’s campus.
Shelter in place order has been lifted; ELPS cancels classes for Tuesday.
As of 11 p.m., the shelter-in-place order continued for all of East Lansing.
Local alerts exploded this evening with warnings of an active shooter on the Michigan State University campus.
ELi spoke with MSU Prof. Glenn Stutzky to get his take on ongoing concerns in East Lansing’s public schools.
Independent Police Oversight Commission continues to press specific issues.
Kath Edsall resigned as president rather than facing a vote to remove her. A new safety plan was presented and public comment brought many strong comments. ELi brings you details from the four-hour meeting.
As struggles at East Lansing’s High School are making statewide news, the school’s administration has shifted approaches to student discipline starting today. The school board will meet tonight to discuss a “School Safety Plan.”
Hundreds turn out for event at Hannah Community Center.
ELi brings you a wider look at what’s going on with the tensions in East Lansing Public Schools.
The latest events occur as ELi continues to work to understand what happened at the school on Tuesday morning.
Photos and videos of the individual have appeared across social media.
The event is an opportunity for community members to have their say about safety concerns. Meanwhile, ELHS students are calling for the school board president to step down, and the school board has issued a statement.
ELPD called the school to confirm it was, in fact, in lockdown.
The shelter in place lockdown that occurred around 10 a.m. ended late this morning.
“There was a firearm within four feet of me,” a student who rushed to help a teacher told the East Lansing Public Schools Board of Ed. “I had no clue.”
A long-time East Lansing resident says her son was racially profiled by the library director, and she wants the director removed from her position. What comes next is not clear.
The 146-page report prepared by CNA was presented to City Council at the Dec. 6 meeting.
On Tuesday, Dec. 6, East Lansing’s City Council is poised to make decisions on whether East Lansing should be declared a Sanctuary City and whether the DDA’s loan on the Evergreen Properties should be refinanced again. ELi explains how you can weigh in.
Interim President Teresa Woodruff strives for positive relationship between the university and city.
Members of the public attend Nov. 2 meeting to provide input to commissioners and city representatives.
Although no public announcement was made about the city manager’s job assessment, Tuesday’s meeting had lots of tension on other issues.
After an internal investigation, two officers are found in violation of wrongfully searching and detaining a 20-year-old Black man.
“We do not have enough information to determine whether or not the threats are credible – so we’ll err on the safe side,” said Superintendent Dori Leyko.
Plus: ELi brings you a video taken just after the Sept. 11 downtown shooting showing some fleeing the scene while police rush in.
“We are going to do whatever we can to try to curb this issue,” said East Lansing Police Captain Chad Pride.
A total of 31 bullet casings from three different caliber guns recovered at the scene.
The Albert EL Fresco is set to reopen later this spring, but the City is still looking for someone to provide outdoor seating, shade, and lighting infrastructure for the space. Andrew Graham reports.
A group of anti-abortion protesters gathered outside ELHS last week. We share ELHS student Marie Adele Grosso’s reporting on students’ responses to the group.
Council member Brookover’s arguments against approving a Special Use Permit to establish a fraternity at 532 Ann St. resulted in a 2-2 split vote, meaning the SUP was not approved, as many non-student residents expressed concern about the impact of student housing, especially, fraternities and sororities, on their communities.
ELi’s Emily Joan Elliott brings a few pieces of news and a noteworthy PSA about construction on Burcham Drive.
As MSU prepares for requiring sophomores to live on campus this upcoming academic year, University officials consider how they might exercise greater control over the behavior of registered student organizations and associated individual students. What might this process, including collaboration with City authorities, look like?
Seventeen-year-old Aireona Alexis Smith has been located.
A letter sent to East Lansing High School families, staff, and students from the administration notified families that local law enforcement would be present at the school this morning, Feb. 25, following a concerning social media post made last evening.
How do a group of downtown East Lansing liquor license holders work to promote safe, responsible fun? Andrew talks to two EL bar and restaurant owners about the RHC and what it does. Listen in!
ELPS will remain closed on Thursday. ELPL will not open until 12 p.m. tomorrow.
Despite City Council approving “retention bonuses” for employees, some unions are pushing for employees who endured more Covid risks to get bonuses for that work. Al Hargrave reports.
A 911 call was placed yesterday concerning the behavior of a school bus driver. Here is what ELi found out from ELPS, ELPD, and Dean Transportation.
What safety precautions are being taken for using rifles? What metrics are being used to determine if the cull was successful? We bring you answers to those questions and more.
Santo has been missing since last October. A recent petition had called for damming the river to look for his body. Police have notified the family and expressed their own grief at the outcome.
UPDATED: ELPD identified the individual who died on West Road early Tuesday morning. The incident is still under investigation.
Food trucks and a continued suspension of meetings for the City of East Lansing’s boards and commissions: we bring you a quick rundown of some things we’re keeping an eye on.
What happens to the deer that are culled? Have any deer had wasting disease? We answer these questions and more in this Ask ELi Grab Bag!
Some East Lansing residents want to see deer removed to stop property destruction and injury risk, while others detest the thought of having their government kill these animals. What do we know, politically and logistically, about this year’s planned cull?
What can residents do to prevent their mail from being stolen? And what can residents affected by the Comcast outage do to get a refund for loss of service? We bring the answers in this Ask ELi Grab Bag.
Andrew and Chuck recap last Saturday’s accident involving a Canadian National train running through some downed power lines and resulting in power outages. Andrew interviews a witness to the event and a Comcast representative.
East Lansing’s staff has decided to require special approval for new or newly-occupied frat and sorority houses, but “will not be applying the requirement retroactively.”
A train caught in wires took down a series of electrical poles along Hagadorn Road, leading to “a mess” according to the Ingham County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management. The sign at Hannah Plaza was destroyed as a result. See contributed photos and learn more in this update.
ELHS students, many dressed in the blue and gold colors of Oxford High School, walked out of class and into the falling snow to take a stand against gun violence and remember the four students shot and killed by a classmate earlier this week.
The search continues for the missing 18-year-old Grand Valley State student, contrary to circulating rumors today of a body being found. Police divers are searching the Red Cedar River near Sparty.
The DDA voted in favor of funding more cameras to be used by ELPD, but not before a lively discussion about privacy and how to welcome people downtown.
ELPD and ELFD responded to a call to a house this morning where four people were unconscious. One died at the scene, and the three others were taken to Sparrow Hospital.
Will fabric recycling return to East Lansing? Why is it so dark at Valley Court Park? How can you mitigate the risk of car break-ins? Find out the answers in this Ask ELi Grab Bag!
ELi reporters Andrew Graham, Heather Brothers, and Jack Timothy Harrison dive in to some recent ELi reporting on couch burnings and policing. Give it a listen!
Alcohol cases at Sparrow’s ER surged, as officers faced a “more destructive” than usual crowd. Newly installed Mayor Ron Bacon is backing Jessy Gregg’s call, saying what’s needed is “a united front against destructive, malicious and dangerous actions.”
Alerts sent out by MSU tonight indicated a man with a gun in the area of Woodmere and Grand River Avenues downtown. ELi brings you the latest and reviews the recent spate of violence in East Lansing.