ELPS Bus Driver on Administrative Leave Following Incident Yesterday
A bus driver from Dean Transportation, which provides services for East Lansing Public Schools, has been placed on administrative leave pending additional review following an incident yesterday, according to Patrick Dean of Dean Transportation.
ELi learned of the incident this morning after a parent wrote in to say that her child reported rumors at school that a bus driver had been arrested after allegedly driving recklessly while under the influence of drugs.
According to Dean Transportation, ELPS Superintendent Dori Leyko, and East Lansing Police Department’s media rep, Lt. Chad Pride, the driver was not arrested, but a 911 call was made concerning the driver.
“The bus driver was not arrested,” wrote Leyko to ELi over email. “There were reports of concerning driving and behavior, and someone (perhaps a student or parent) called the police, and the police met up with the bus and driver at Glencairn [Elementary School] following its secondary run. Dean Transportation came and swapped out drivers.”
Pride similarly told ELi over email, “No, there was no arrest. We did receive a call for service for a bus driver that possibly was intoxicated or driving recklessly, however our officers made contact with the driver and everything checked out OK.”
Pride also confirmed that no tickets or citations were issued.
Dean Transportation also confirmed what Leyko and Pride told ELi.
Responding to an email inquiry, Patrick Dean of Dean Transportation wrote, “Our office received a report of concerning driving and behavior by one of our drivers in East Lansing on Wednesday. The driver was pulled from the road and a substitute staff member was dispatched to resume the route.”
Dean also stated, “The driver spoke with law enforcement at Glencairn Elementary School, following the report, and was released to our supervisor.”
The driver, according to Dean, is on administrative leave pending additional review.