Introducing a Podcast from ELi: ‘East Lansing Insider’
ELi is launching a new podcast, East Lansing Insider, that recaps and breaks down the latest happenings in East Lansing.
The current plan is to publish a weekly episode on Thursdays, with each installment taking about a half hour. In that time, our team will cover the headlines, discuss the news and go deeper on different topics — plus more in store for future episodes.
It is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. The plan is to get it on other platforms like Stitcher shortly thereafter.
For the first edition, Andrew Graham leads a discussion with Emily Joan Elliott and Alice Dreger on the latest news, including the ELPS plan to potentially restart in-person instruction in January, an update from City Council and a preview of MSU football returning on Saturday.
Give it a listen!
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