ELi’s Paper Editions

This page provides you PDFs of the paper editions of East Lansing Info (ELi), which started production in 2021, our seventh year of publication. We decided to take on an occasional paper edition after a lot of strategic consideration and advice from sister local news organizations nationwide. And the results have far exceeded our hopes!
With the paper edition, we are now reaching senior citizens in East Lansing at an unprecedented rate, including seniors who are mostly or entirely offline and who live in dedicated senior housing and nursing homes.
And we are also reaching young people at an unprecedented rate. It turns out that our editorial team’s social media circles don’t overlap enough with East Lansing’s younger residents, but our coffee habits do. So, we drop free copies at Biggby, Foster, Blue Owl, Campbell’s Market Basket, and so on, and we’re connecting electronically with younger residents by first connecting through paper!
Thanks to the paper edition, we’ve also connected with Impact 89FM radio, which now broadcasts our weekly East Lansing Insider news podcast on Sunday mornings.
About six months into paper production, we were delighted to be notified that MSU Archives had decided to archive ELi’s paper and electronic versions.
“We want to ensure this important documentation of East Lansing is preserved for future generations,” said Erin Passehl Stoddart, head of MSU Archives. “Accepting ELi resources into the Archives’ collections ensures both the preservation of content as well as provides additional avenues for everyone to discover and access ELi’s reporting.”
Perhaps most importantly, the paper edition has enabled us to explain effectively to members of our community why we need their financial support to keep this very high-quality investigative news service going. We can see from people using the envelopes included with the mailed copies that we have had a critical breakthrough in terms of reaching people who can and will support honest, truly-local news production.
The ELi newspaper is designed by Cait Palmiter. As we have shared the end results of her work on our newspaper with our readers and our sister organizations, Cait’s work has been hailed from around the country as simply outstanding.
Wrote one ELi reader, “Just received Vol. 1, Issue 7 and I have to say that the overall layout, typography, and graphics are a knockout. Fully embracing an accent color in the mix of grayscale and having those pop-outs in imagery and behind the vectors across the spread is brilliant. I also love the stock you printed on—it smells fantastic. Keep it up!”
We love bringing this “best of” paper edition to our people and doing it in a way that is so graphically compelling.
If you would like to subscribe to the paper edition, click here. If you would like to see PDFs of the paper editions, just click below. And if you want to support our work, remember your donations to this public service are tax-deductible. Click here to keep bringing East Lansing the news!
Thank you!