Railroad Crossing on Harrison Road to Be Repaired
Canadian National Railroad Company will be repairing the very bumpy crossing on Harrison Road, between Trowbridge Road and Service Drive. The repairs are expected to start Monday, Oct. 17, and be completed Saturday, Oct. 29.
To accommodate the rehabilitation of the crossing and the sidewalk for all lanes of traffic, a segment of Harrison Road in the area will be closed during the construction, with detours in place.
This section of railroad has been a long-time topic of discussion for East Lansing residents. Last year, in an Ask ELi to Investigate request, a community member wrote in to ask why the wooden crossing was not as high quality as the concrete crossing to its south, near Mt. Hope Road and Hagadorn Road.
The answer is that the two crossings are owned by different companies. While the Canadian National Railroad Company owns the tracks farther north, CSX owns the tracks to the south. The two companies choose to maintain the crossings differently.