Sparrow Begins Vaccinating Phase 1B
Sparrow Hospital’s health system has begun vaccinating Phase 1B this week, which includes law enforcement officers, firefighters, shelter workers, teachers and support staff who have direct contact with students in grades pre-K through 12, and people age 65 and older.
According to Sparrow spokesperson John Foren, the vaccination campaign is following the lead of Ingham County Health Department and prioritizing people age 70 and older since that age cohort faces higher mortality due to Covid-19.
Those seeking vaccines need not have established care at Sparrow or have health insurance. Sparrow will bill the insurance of those who have it, but it will not ask for what insurance did not cover and will not bill those without insurance.
Those interested must make appointments through the My Sparrow Portal. All appointments are booked for this week, but appointments are only booked one week in advance. Foren told ELi that those interested should check back later this week and early next week to make appointments. He explained that Sparrow received 4,875 vaccines this week but is unsure how many it will receive next week.
Vaccinations booked through Sparrow occur at the Frandor Center. According to Foren, two lanes today have been dedicated to vaccination and the remaining to testing.
Those who need assistance creating a My Sparrow account or booking an appointment can call 877-205-1300 between the hours of 8am and 4pm Monday through Friday.
For more information, please visit Sparrow’s Covid-19 webpage.
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