That was a lot of rain. Did your sewer backup?
EDITOR’S NOTE: Just after posting this, East Lansing sent out this public safety announcement: “Residents are advised to refrain from entering flooded basements due to electrical and safety hazards. Public safety personnel will be in known flooded areas to check on residents welfare.” Need help? Dial 911.
We’re telling you what you already know – that was a lot of rain. Dave Wiley of the Oakwood neighborhood reports a reading of over 8 inches of rain. ELPD has sent out notices of roads flooded and power outages. City Hall is closed (probably until about noon) for a power outage. And one reader wrote to tell us this is the third time in recent memory that his sewer backed up.
That reader asked us if we are hearing this from other readers. ELi now has a data analyst, Nathan Andrus, working part-time with us, and one thing Nathan can do for us is data mapping. So do us a favor – if your sewer has backed-up in the last day or even in the last few years, fill out this form and tell us about where you are and what happened when.
ELi runs best when people help us gather important information.
Thank you!
Note: This article is being updated with information.