City Lessens Masking Requirements Starting Mar. 14
The City of East Lansing announced on Thursday that, beginning on Mar. 14, face masks would be optional for visitors and employees inside City-owned buildings with some notable exceptions.
“The face mask requirement will remain in place in congregate settings where people are gathered, including public and employee meeting spaces,” read the press release.
Individuals participating in some classes, workshops, and events, “including the Children’s Concert Series, Buddy Basketball and School Age Programs, including Before & After School and Break Care” as well as programs for children at the East Lansing Public Library will be expected to mask.
The press release also noted that emergency responders and other staff in the field may need to wear masks when entering private buildings where masking is a requirement. City employees returning from quarantine or isolation due to Covid-19 will also need to engage in temporary masking.
The City pointed to new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the State of Michigan as determining factors for its new policy.