Reminder: Senior Surveys Due by End of October
Time is running out to complete the city’s survey on what services East Lansing’s seniors use, and what changes to those services and amenities they would like to see. Responses are due by Wednesday, Oct. 30.
The survey is open to all East Lansing residents aged 55 and above. A citizen does not have to be retired to participate in the survey or to take advantage of the various services available to those over 55 years old. The survey is a joint project from the city’s Senior Commission, Prime Time Seniors program and Age Friendly Communities.
Survey respondents who include contact information with their responses will be entered into a drawing for one of five $75 gift certificates, which can be used at downtown East Lansing businesses. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete.
Prime Time Seniors Director Alesha Williams said getting feedback that covers a broad spectrum of the East Lansing community is important. Knowing what services people are using and what they would like to see is fundamental to how Prime Time Seniors will construct programming going forward.

The data is also important to the Senior Commission and to Age Friendly Communities in directing their activities.
Paper copies of the survey were widely distributed at the beginning of September and are due Oct. 30. The survey can be completed online using this link.
For more information about services offered to East Lansing seniors and why feedback to the survey is so important, check out ELi’s past reporting on the survey here.