Bob and Sylvia Stevens’ Nearly 70-Year-Old Love Story is Still Being Told
On Valentine’s Day, ELi shares the love story of East Lansing couple Bob and Sylvia Stevens that has spanned nearly 70 years.
On Valentine’s Day, ELi shares the love story of East Lansing couple Bob and Sylvia Stevens that has spanned nearly 70 years.
Currently, school start times in the district range from 7:45 a.m. in the high school to 8:45 a.m. in elementary schools.
A “First Amendment Auditor” films police officers and other government employees to audit their reaction to minor disturbances.
Executive Orders targeting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs have impacted work on the Michigan State University campus.
The recently opened restaurant hopes to not just be a sports bar with a kitchen, but to serve as a favorite location for foodies.
City Manager Robert Belleman talks about his first 15 months leading the city staff and his hopes for the future.
Meridian Township police are investigating the graffiti.
New ELPD Interim Chief Jen Brown has served as a deputy chief for the department since December 2023.
Nominate community members with the best light displays by Sunday, Dec. 15. After that, readers will get a chance to vote on their favorites.
Unchanged diapers and understaffed classrooms are among the accusations made against the preschool and childcare center.
Vietnam War Veteran and retired long-time East Lansing city employee Ron Springer has dedicated much of his life to honoring those who served in the U.S. military.
Incumbent Democrat Patrick Lindemann is being challenged by Republican Brian Bruce Beauchine to serve as Ingham County drain commissioner.
The Register of Deeds office records, indexes and retains “documents that convey or encumber real estate located within the county.”
One local business owner is trying to get a state law changed that doesn’t allow dogs on restaurant patios.
There were also public hearings for a proposed sauna park and fabrication shop.
Before Nate Silver was a nationally recognized statistician, he was a talented East Lansing High School student.
After being appointed as the county’s prosecuting attorney two years ago, John Dewane is running for a full term. He is challenged by Republican Norm Shinkle.
Over the next several weeks, ELi will bring you articles highlighting the choices for state- and county-wide election. We seek to interview each of the major candidates for these offices and share an objective look at their backgrounds and goals for office. Today, we focus on Ingham County Sheriff. With its administrative offices in the…
Hear from candidates on why they feel they are best suited to represent Michigan’s 75th District.
Hear from candidates on why they feel they are best suited to represent Michigan’s 73rd District.
The program will be recorded Oct. 4 and distributed widely soon after it is finished. To better gauge the questions residents have, we are also allowing readers to submit questions before the event.
Over the first eight months of 2024, Food Rescue: Lansing Communities has collected more than 78,000 pounds of food that may have otherwise spoiled.
Four recent high school graduates from East Lansing were among those selected.
Thasin Sardar was recognized with the Peacemaker of the Year award and Chris Root received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Lansing Area Peace Education Center’s June meeting.
Precios Armstrong comes to the position with more than 25 years of experience in education and a doctorate in educational leadership.
The fast pace that delivery drivers move in and out of illegal parking locations makes it difficult for the city to enforce parking rules.
The millages up for renewal at the August Primary Election provide funding for essential services to older residents and health care services for low income residents.
After experiencing issues with its previous custodial service provider, ELPS switched back to in-house services. Billy Hastings and his team have since cleaned up the district.
The performances will take place the first three Sundays of August.
Yesterday, President Joe Biden announced he would not seek reelection.
Trends around funeral services and memorials have been changing nationwide. These differences can be seen locally.
2022 ELHS graduate Marie Adele Grosso is still unsure if she’ll be allowed to return to Columbia University after protesting against Israeli military actions.
As East Lansing prepares a search for its new police chief, ELi has learned that there will be two internal candidates in Deputy Chief Jennifer Brown and Interim Chief Chad Pride.
While the state’s budget has not yet been finalized, ELPS Director of Finance Rich Pugh gave an update on proposed school funding.
After a hate crime that targeted LGBTQIA+ students was committed on MSU’s campus, ELPS students and staff rallied to support the district’s queer students.
On Memorial Day, we look back at 10 East Lansing service members who were killed in the Vietnam War.
The East Lansing Public Schools Board of Education discussed the possibility of later passing a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and Israel at its May board meeting.
The new Prime Time Seniors director will look to expand activities offered by the program even further.
A plan to replace a gas station and convenience store on the corner of Abbot Road and Saginaw Street will go back to City Council with the Planning Commission’s approval.
Planning, Building and Development Director Annette Irwin still carries the reputation of a “Worker Bee” even after 27 years of service to the city.
The summit will be open to ELPS students and other community members.
The Planning Commission recommended approval on a pair of items, while tabling proposed rezoning that would allow for a Grove Street B&B.
Documents show the process followed when ELPS hired an administrator’s son at an elevated pay rate.
The East Lansing Board of Education again heard from the union the district’s administrative assistants are part of at its March 11 meeting.
Members of the East Lansing Independent Police Oversight Commission shared concerns about proposed amendments to the ordinance that established the commission.
Several members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, which East Lansing School District administrators belong to, showed up at the Feb. 26 Board of Education meeting.
Three public hearings were held at the Feb. 28 Planning Commission meeting. One regarded tree removals, another addressed a solar energy ordinance and the third revisited a B&B that is proposed for Grove Street.
ELi has had a recent staff shake up.
Some East Lansing residents have been surprised to receive notices that they may owe the city income taxes.
If approved, the “safety, security, accessibility bond” will go toward improvements at ELHS and MMS as well as a new central office building.
Last school year, 41 ELPS students experienced homelessness. School staff works to ensure students experiencing homelessness have the tools necessary to meet their academic potential.
The last two city departments presented their priorities, while the strategic planning process was met with some resistance.
The proposals for a car wash, bed and breakfast, and new gas station are on Tuesday’s City Council meeting agenda.
“It’s a great way to bridge the gap between and learn what the commissioners see as important to their peers,” assistant to the city manager said.
He talked about new city hires, preparing for the first big winter storm and why Council meeting minutes have not yet been approved.
“I’m an expert in medicine, but I’m very passionate about caffeine,” says Dr. Ahmed Sufyan, owner of Moka & Co.
City of East Lansing and local service providers suspect the call is a hoax but are, nonetheless, working to be prepared.
ELi spoke with nine ministers and pastors about what they are experiencing in their churches.
The city manager responds to questions about Country Mills Farms, Council goal setting plans and an employee pay study.
The letter signed by nine civic and school leaders supports putting the commission establishment on the 2024 ballot.
The vice president of ACD has been working with downtown business owners and neighborhood groups to revamp the project.
As part of the anniversary celebration, a ribbon cutting and open house will be held Thursday at the shelter’s new administrative facilities.
The event was an expression of solidarity and hope in the wake of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
The shop on M.A.C. Avenue has been in business since 1956 and continues to have loyal clientele from around the country and world.
New Principal Planner Landon Bartley is eager to get to work back in the community that shaped him.
Councilmember George Brookover expressed discomfort with the actions taken by the outgoing interim city manager. Randy Talifarro, the new city manager and finance director respond.
The Oct. 23 meeting included a presentation by the ELHS principal, adoption of 24 board policy revisions and approval of a bond proposal for security enhancements.
With migrating birds, squirrels fattening up for winter and diverse city parks, this is a good time of year to get outside.
The city’s new top administrator talks about his life, his priorities and gives his perspective on the end of his job in Saginaw.
After 228 days on the job, Talifarro said he is glad to have had the opportunity to step into the crucial city role during a sometimes tumultuous time.
The communitywide debate has been ongoing since May. With the Tuesday decision, the surface parking lot will stay a parking lot.
Majority of the four-hour meeting was spent interviewing the six candidates for the trustee position vacated by Monica Fink.
The board is expected to also approve a separation agreement with suspended middle school physical education teacher, Dennis Petrowitz.
22 people spoke to Council about the affordable housing project during the Oct. 3 meeting, with majority speaking against the proposal. Council expects to make a decision at the Oct. 17 meeting.
Public comment is on the agenda for the 12:30 p.m. meeting. Comments about the suspension of the middle school teacher are anticipated.
The proposal was defeated 3-2. Hagan Reality owners are not sure what their next steps will be for the properties but vow not to give up.
Hagan Realty says the project will be good for the city, while residents of the 600 block of Grove Street continue to disagree.
ELi is providing introductions to the eight East Lansing City Council candidates. In the eighth installment in our series, Dustin DuFort Petty provides a profile of Joshua Ramirez-Roberts. Why is Ramirez-Roberts running?
ELi is providing introductions to the eight East Lansing City Council candidates. In the sixth installment in our series, Dustin DuFort Petty provides a profile of Kerry Ebersole Singh. Why is Ebersole Singh running?
ELi is providing introductions to the eight East Lansing City Council candidates. In the fifth in our series, Dustin DuFort Petty provides a profile of Dan Bollman. Why is Bollman running?
DPW interim director confirms city workers had responded to incidents associated with the digging in Glencairn
The loss of surface parking is the chief objection of critics. But the owners of the land say the lot is going to be redeveloped one way or another.
The variance was approved 4-3 after back and forth discussion at the board’s Aug. 2 meeting.
The botanical garden on the MSU campus is known as a place for research, education, tranquility and activities.
Only three candidates applied for the seat vacated by Amanda Cormier, and then one dropped out.
The meeting where Robert Belleman was fired from his job as Saginaw County’s controller included strong public statements for and against his termination, a recording obtained by ELi shows. Two commissioners who voted for termination spoke with ELi.
Two candidates say they would have voted for Tim Dempsey, one shows disbelief, others are pragmatic and two haven’t yet responded to ELi.
“She made our congregation seem whole. I know that sounds cheesy maybe, but it felt like a healing. She’s leaving the church stronger than it was,” said Edgewood United Church of Christ member Melissa Fore.
ELi has learned East Lansing Public Schools Board Trustee Amanda Cormier has tendered her resignation from the board. A special school board meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. today (Aug. 4) to develop a process for her replacement. Cormier won her seat in November 2022, along with Trustees Terah Chambers, Kath Edsall and Tali Faris-Hylen,…
The East Lansing Human Rights Commission continues to discuss the possibility of vending machines that dispense emergency contraceptives, although the path to making it happen remains murky.
Parents also gave a presentation on the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) initiative during the fast-paced regular meeting.
A decision on University Lutheran’s request for a variance for the size of a solar array was tabled after questions arose about other approved projects.