Edsall Resigns as School Board President, and a New School Safety Plan Is In the Works
Kath Edsall resigned as president rather than facing a vote to remove her. A new safety plan was presented and public comment brought many strong comments. ELi brings you details from the four-hour meeting.
ELPS School Board Meets Tonight as High School Changes Disciplinary Approach
As struggles at East Lansing’s High School are making statewide news, the school’s administration has shifted approaches to student discipline starting today. The school board will meet tonight to discuss a “School Safety Plan.”
‘Listening Session’ on East Lansing School Violence Draws Hundreds, Elicits Many Ideas
Hundreds turn out for event at Hannah Community Center.
EL High School Closed Friday, as School Board Continues to Face Backlash
ELi brings you a wider look at what’s going on with the tensions in East Lansing Public Schools.
East Lansing Police First Heard about High School Lockdown from a Parent Who Called 911
ELPD called the school to confirm it was, in fact, in lockdown.