East Lansing Police First Heard about High School Lockdown from a Parent Who Called 911
ELPD called the school to confirm it was, in fact, in lockdown.
East Lansing High School Teachers and Students Describe Fear and Exhaustion from Ongoing Violence
“There was a firearm within four feet of me,” a student who rushed to help a teacher told the East Lansing Public Schools Board of Ed. “I had no clue.”
Special East Lansing District Identified as “Ripe for Redevelopment”
If the “test” area for a new form-based zoning code works out, it could be implemented in other parts of East Lansing, too.
After Library Director Calls Police on Wrongly-Accused Black Teen, Outrage Expressed to Board
A long-time East Lansing resident says her son was racially profiled by the library director, and she wants the director removed from her position. What comes next is not clear.
Answers to Your Questions about the EL City Manager’s Contract Termination
You’ve got questions about why East Lansing’s Council just did what it did. We’ve got answers.